Blitz (105/213)

From:Francis G. Loch
Date:18 May 2000 at 15:28:24
Subject:Re: Bug in Lof?

Hi Gareth,

--- Gareth Griffiths <> wrote: >

> >> Also, anyone got any ideas why the REDDebugger
> >> crashes everytime I try and
> >> run a program? I have to turn it off in Compiler
> >> Options now :/
> >
> > I sometimes had this problem if I had VisualPrefs
> > running. I ended up uninstalling it and I hadn't
> had
> > any problems since then.
> I don't use VisualPrefs :///// God knows what the
> problem is then, but its
> got me stuffed 'cos if i write a bit of code that
> really f*cks with the
> system the entre thign crashes instead of just
> reporting a debugger error :/

Are you running a purely 'clean' system? In other
words are you running without any patches/hacks etc.
e.g. MCP, MultiCX, OxyPatcher, etc..? If not then try
disabling them to see if that cures your problem.

Sometimes enabling certain caches on the '040 or '060
can cause some programs to crash.

Try running SnoopDos and monitor all the system events
to see if you can trace what's causing your machine to

Kind regards,


P.S. I'll get that bubble-sort stuff organised for you
soon. I'm a tad busy with college stuff at the moment,
otherwise I would have had it prepared earlier for you.

Member of GAUG
Glasgow Amiga Users Group
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